Sree Chamunudeswari Loban Cups

Sambrani Dhoop
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Dhoop cups enhances concentration and focus at the time we are reading or performing meditation, prevents infections, relieves headaches, fights depression, and reduces anxiety and tension. Dhoop cups are core less that permits it to burn more quickly and for a extended duration, as compare to the incense sticks.Natural Sambrani Dhoop cup holds natural sambrani in its centre. This packet comes with 12 dhoop cups and a plate to carry the cup. the utilization of this cup is believed to bug off negative energy when lighting in living or pooja rooms. The cup should be placed on the plate holder and lit along the black rim thereby emitting sambrani odour. The fragrance lasts for 1 hour, long after the burn lifetime of the dhoop without creating any health hazards.
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weight:50 gms
The ritual thread is traditionally worn on the right wrist or arm by the males and on the left by the females. This thread also plays a role in certain familial and marital ceremonies.
Size:6 inch
Weight:1 kg
In the Fire Ceremony, Samidha used to calm all the plants.Chanting slokas with the word “SWAHAA” at the end offers these sticks to the fire.There are ravi, medi, mamidi, Jilledu, and moduga in Homam Pulalu. It also goes by the name Havan ka lakidi.midalu are wood stick pieces which are used for pooja in homams.
Kashi Ashtagandha is mixture of eight fragrant herbs – Chandan, Kesar, Bhimseni Camphor, Heena, Agar, Tulsi, Bel and Durva. Ashtagandham or Ashtagandha is a holy fragrant mixture of 8 herbs,which is used to emanate from the form of Lord Krishna. Ashtagandham fragrance one associates with holiness,purity, and positivity
Havan Samagri (a mixture of various dried herbal , roots and leaves) is offered in the ablazed fire which disseminates in micro form, in the air, to purify the environment.
It is used in sweets and can also be used as a spice in some foods.
Bukka is extracted from sandalwood dust.